Piso fare promo is back! Book Cebu Pacific promo fare as low as P1 base fare.

From Clark, fly to select Philippine places and select international routes for as low as P1 base fare.
Some of popular tourist destinations are included on this piso sale.
Foreign travel is as low as P1 base fare for Hong Kong or Macau trips, counties that do not require visa to visit.
The Cebu Pacific piso fare promos are good for one-way base fare.
Promo selling period is until July 11, 2019
Travel period: September 1- November 30, 2019
NOTE: Be sure to book piso fare ticket on travel dates included in the seat sale period. Read details before booking!
Cebu Pacific Piso Fare Domestic Promo
For as low as P1 base-fare
Clark to Bacolod, Bohol, Boracay (Caticlan), Cebu, Davao, Iloilo
Cebu Pacific P1 Fare International Promo
For as low as P1 base-fare
Clark to Hong Kong, Macau, or Tokyo (Narita)
For as low as P899 All In
Clark to Singapore
Book your flights the soonest possible time! Cebu Pacific piso fare ticket are limited and are not available on all flights. Piso sale tickets are on a first come, first serve basis.
Sample booking Clark to Cebu Piso Fare Promos/ Vice Versa

Clark to Singapore/ Singapore to Clark ALL In Sale Ticket

How to Get Cebu Pacific Piso Fare Promos?
- The key to get base fare as low as P1 is to book online (as soon as you can) at Cebu Pacific website: www.cebupacificair.com. Promo code not needed in booking this piso fare.
Read How to pay Cebu Pacific sale ticket booked online.
- Buy P1 sale ticket at Cebu Pacific sales and ticket offices in Metro Manila, Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao.
- Contact Cebu Pacific Reservation hotline numbers and book P1 fare with their customer care reps.
Book or buy your ticket now. Add-ons like baggage allowance, picking your favorite seat and other Add-ons may be purchased later, up to 4 hours before flight departure. The important thing is to secure the cheap ticket first while these are on promo.
Follow our Facebook page: PISO FARE TICKET for updates on Cebu Pacific piso fare, Air Asia red hot sale, PAL promo fares and more!
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David Michael Hall says
Your post says Piso Fares 2019-2020 but I cannot find one fare that has a travel period in 2020.
Although I appreciate your notifications, I believe it to be important to post the proper and correct information.